Thursday, February 10, 2011

My China Hutch Makeover

This china hutch was passed down from my father-in-law.  Nothing really special, but I wanted to keep it.  The problem? ... the color was very outdated.  So...  I grabbed the paint and off I went!

I can't find the before pictures, which kind of defeats the "before and after" aspect of this, but I wanted to post it anyway.

It use  to be that regular old brown wood with double doors on the front. I removed the doors and all of the glass, which I felt gave it a "Gone With the Wind" feeling... Don't ask me why I call it that, I don't know... romantic maybe???.  I beat the heck out of it with all kinds of torture devices, primed it and then painted it with a lovely green. After that...a creamy white. When it was almost dry, I started distressing it.  I love the way it distresses when the paint is still damp... gives it a REALLY old look, not just worn.  After it dried, I used sandpaper to it and finished it off with some Ralph Lauren faux glaze in tea stain. I just love how it turned out!

I had a great time with this piece.  Now I just have to fill it with all my pretties! 


  1. In a word...WOW! That is fantastic! I had one of those old hutches that my father felt the need to paint and repaint and then antique it as that was big in the 60's. I finally painted it Shaker green but left the inside the black-streaked red and for some reason, it worked. Who knew?

  2. Thanks GabsBags! It's great how we can take something that's... "just lovely" and make it into something fabulous!


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